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Controlling the future: Creating robots that do your biding

Welcome to a current presentation of robotics using computer science principles. The links below will connect you to how-to readings and step-by-step instructions that will allow you to build a robotic boat, design your own robot, and ace the AP Computer Science Principles exam.

This program uses two freely available software packages: MIT App Inventor and Arduino. You may want to purchase the Arduino components, but it’s not absolutely necessary. (If you need help affording these components, please contact the edMe Foundation.) These websites contain questions to help you learn and places to share your own unique flair in robotics. A big part of designing technologies is learning from mistakes; please do not get discourage but use the feedback provided to learn and grow.

Chapter 1. Understanding App Technology

Chapter 2. Laying out an App Interface

Chapter 3. Creating the back-end to your first App

Chapter 4. Using the Arduino Microcontroller
Step-by-Step guide

[otw_shortcode_button href=”″> size=”large” icon_type=”general foundicon-right-arrow” icon_position=”right” shape=”square”]Arduino Uno: The tiny mind that controls the robot [/otw_shortcode_button]