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Back on this Side of the Door

What is this chapter mainly about?

What does Edmund tell his siblings when they question him about Narnia?

Edmund gives a "superior" look when Peter asks him what is going on.

What does the word "superior" mean in this context?

What did Peter and Susan decide to do when Lucy continued to tell them that Narnia was real?

What is the first thing the professor says after Peter and Susan tell them about Lucy's story?

The professor mentions that Susan's point about Edmund deserves "consideration."

What does the word "consideration" mean in this context?

What do Peter and Susan respond when the professor asks them which sibling is more truthful?

The professor states that unless any other "evidence" turns up, they must assume Lucy is telling the truth.

What does the word "evidence" mean?

What is the one thing that makes Lucy's story about Narnia likely to be true?

What did the four children do when they heard Mrs. Macready get closer with a crowd of visitors?

What do you think will happen next?