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Part III Chapter 6

What is the main idea of this chapter?

Winston is a regular at the Chestnut Tree caf�. He drinks glass after glass of gin, even though "..the smell of gin, which dwelt with him night and day, was inextricably mixed up in his mind with the smell of those . . ."

What does"inextricably"mean?

Winston and Julia run across each other one time. Neither is that interested in seeing one another, but eventually they do walk and talk together. " [Julia] walked obliquely away across the grass as though trying to get rid of [Winston], then seemed to resign herself to having him at her side."

What does"obliquely"mean?

Winston is aware that something within him has changed because of the announcement that Oceania has defeated Eurasia: "He thought how ten minutes ago —— yes, only ten minutes —— there had still been equivocation in his heart as he wondered whether the news from the front would be of victory or defeat."

What does"equivocation"mean?

In the end, Winston feels greatly relieved: "Two gin–scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."

What does"trickled"mean?

What do you think about this book now that it is over? What themes made an impact on you?