Posted on August 26, 2017 by admin Nicolas Flamel What is this chapter mainly about? Who is Nicolas Flamel? How does the Quidditch match end? How is Harry's view of the game different from Snape's? What does Harry overhear in the Forbidden Forest?
Posted on August 26, 2017 by admin Question #2 In the library, Hagrid tells Harry, Ron, and Hermione something that they had been suspecting. What did Hagrid tell them?
Posted on August 26, 2017 by admin Question #3 What does Hagrid have in his hut that he is not supposed to? Please enter the first three words of a sentence that shows your answers is correct.
Posted on August 26, 2017 by admin Question #4 Who peers through the curtains of Hagrd's hut and discovers Hagrid has a dragon? Write the first 3 words of a sentence that shows your answer is correct.
Posted on August 26, 2017 by admin Question #5 How does Ron view Norbert? How does Hagrid view Norbert?
Posted on August 26, 2017 by admin Question #6 Who catches Harry and Hermione at the end of the chapter? Write the first 3 words of a sentence that shows your answer is correct.
Posted on August 26, 2017June 25, 2019 by admin Feedback You made it to the end! Here is your feedback for “Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback” Think about what strategies worked (and didn’t work) for you this time. How can you do well next time? [wcm_restrict=”hp1,gold”]Collect [gamipress_link href=”” label=”50 brainpowers!” id=”” class=”awesome-links one-class other-class” target=”_blank” title=”50 brainpowers!”][/wcm_restrict]
Posted on August 26, 2017 by admin Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback What is this chapter mainly about? In the library, Hagrid tells Harry, Ron, and Hermione something that they had been suspecting. What did Hagrid tell them? What does Hagrid have in his hut that he is not supposed to? Who peers through the curtains of Hagrd's hut and discovers Hagrid has a dragon? How does Ron view Norbert? Who catches Harry and Hermione at the end of the chapter?
Posted on August 26, 2017 by admin Question #1 Why does Hermione stop drawing attention to herself and keeping her head down in class?