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SAT Practice

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Here are 10 word problems for you to practice. We can go over them next week. If you just want to print them out, here is a PDF. You can click on the titles or the question number to enter your solutions. You get feedback after questions #5 and #10.

I left printouts of these PDFs during our last session (you can upload pictures of your work below):

At the bottom of the page is a simple graphing calculator. If you have a little time, you can graph some equations and see how the graphs change as you tweak numbers.

You can upload scrapwork showing: 1) What number are you solving for? 2) How did you calculate the final number 3)Does that number make sense?

Simply upload your file or picture.

A Fruit Salad of Math

1. Usually, Zara makes fruit salad with one pineapple, 8 strawberries, and 2 oranges. This weekend she is hosting a party and plans to make a fruit salad that is four times bigger. How many total fruits should Zara buy?

2. An ice cream cake has 12 ounces of ice cream, 15 ounces of cake and 4.5 ounces of frosting. Yusef cuts the cake into 12 equal slices. What is the weight of each slice?

3. Willen usually buys 2.5 pounds of deli meat and 1.8 pounds of cheese each week. He makes the same sandwich to take to work each day. Usually he works five days, but this week he only works three days. What is the total weight of meat and cheese Willen should buy this week?

4. Vernon makes strawberry milkshakes. Strawberries cost $2.99 per 8 ounces and a 32 ounces of milk costs $2.39. Each milkshake takes 6 ounces of strawberries and 4 ounces of milk. He will make 8 strawberry milkshakes for his party tonight. How much will the strawberries and milk cost?

5. Trayvon’s family uses 3 boxes of cereal and a gallon of milk each week for breakfasts. Each box has 10.8 ounces and 64 ounces of milk. How much milk and cereal do they use in 52 weeks?

Money Math

6. Aiko earns $7.45 per hour. We worked 6.5 hours, 7 hours, 4 hours, and 8.5 hours one pay period. How much did he earn that pay period?

7. Medicare takes 6% of Bianca’s salary. Social security takes 1.25% of her salary. She earns $250 each week. How much salary does she take home after 8 weeks?

8. Carlos makes $8. He worked 24.75 hours one week and 18.25 hours the next week. His boss takes 27% of his money for federal taxes. How much money does he earn after federal taxes over these two weeks?

9. David earns $9.75 per hour and Eva makes $11.25 per hour. How much more does Eva make in an 8-hour day?

10. Felipe gets a 15% raise after 2 weeks of work. He started at $8 per hour and worked these hours over the first 4 weeks.

  • 12 hours
  • 17 hours
  • 18 hours
  • 16 hours

How much money did Felipe earn over his first four weeks?

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