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Close your eyes. Imagine being sent to a world with no electronics (yes, that includes no video games!), no cars, no microwave, and the only lights in your house came from small candles. You may think, there’s no way a world like this could have existed. But, it did!

You may have heard the name “Thomas Edison” many, many times. There’s a reason why he is mentioned often. Edison was one of the greatest American inventors. He invented the phonograph (something that played music), and the first motion picture machine. However, many people argue that his greatest contribution was perfecting the light bulb. Edison’s work allowed more people to work at nighttime, stay awake longer, and read more.
Remember when you closed your eyes and imagined a world without electricity? It felt strange, right? Perhaps, even scary? Before the light bulb many people were scared of the dark as well. After the light bulb was perfected in 1879, people felt safer at night. Before the light bulb, people used candles or lanterns for light at night. Candles are incredibly dangerous because they easily start fires.
Scientists thought electricity could solve this problem. Electricity creates sparks. And, when certain conductors get hot, they also create light. Electricity does not involve a flame. It seemed like a natural fit. But, using electricity to create light was difficult! Who could solve this problem?
Thomas Edison was very active and learned a lot as a child. He also questioned everything around him. He drove his school teachers nuts! As an adult, he became interested in electricity, and eventually started his own company in 1878. He called it the Edison Electric Light Company. Despite what some people think, Thomas Edison did NOT actually invent the light bulb. In fact, 23 light bulbs were invented before Edison made his. BUT, he was the first to create a light bulb that would be sold to most Americans. To learn more about this light bulb, check out chapter 6!
Ok…So, if Thomas Edison did not create the first light bulb, who did?
A scientist named Joseph Swan invented the light bulb in 1878. Swan patented his light bulb in England (a patent stops other people from stealing an inventor’s idea). Swan used a carbon rod in his light bulb. The carbon resisted electricity. When the carbon resisted electricity heat and light was released.
Swan started his own company of light bulbs. Swan’s light bulb produced light, but did not last very long. Carbon was also dirty so it made the inside of the light bulb dirty which trapped the light. Carbon rods were not the solution, but it was a good start.
Without Thomas Edison perfecting the light bulb, we may not be able to experience electricity the way we do today. Because Edison changed the light bulb so it would be commercially successful, reliable, and practical, he is given credit for perfecting the light bulb.
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If you want to read more, look at the Smithsonian Magazine’s article “Lamp inventors 1880-1940: Carbon Filament Incandescent”