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Computers store information in a language called binary. One bit of a computer either has data or it doesn’t. If a bit is being used, we call that “1”. If a bit is not being used, we call that “0”.

This video from explains how computers use binary code to store data.

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You can code information like your name in binary. You just need to use this key. The dark squares are a “1”. The blank squares are not used, so they are a “0”.

A key for coding letters in binary code.

Machine code reads the binary language. People write machine code to make computers run. These people make it easier for programmers to write in easier languages like <b>HTML</b>!

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Building a tower is a great way to explore strong shapes. People that design tall buildings are called architects. They make plans, build a model, and test it. You can be architect too!

This video shows why triangles are a good shape to use when building a tall tower.

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Design Squad is a great resource for many STEAM projects. This tower video shows off their skills!

Our tower kits have 20 straws and a fresh roll of tape. Our resident tower architect, Julia, describes how she used the kit:

The scotch tape binds the straws together. It takes some practice, and it gets easier the more you do it.

My advice: think about the number of straws you have while planning your design. You can even draw your plan before you begin!

Something that worked well in the design was constructing triangle formations for stability. Triangles prevent the tower from twisting. I even put triangles in the base of the tower! I planned my tower with triangles before starting. Even with my well-drawn plan, I had to improve (make it up as I went along) during construction.

I started with a basic plan of what I wanted to do. Then, I would see the way the tower started leaning. I would use this data to add more support, and adjust as I went along!

When I did not have a plan, I needed a couple straws at the end but did not have any. So, I removed straws from one part of my tower. It worked ok, but I would have been happier with the tower if I drew a plan ahead of time.

Another thing to keep in mind: be extra careful around the corners when taping together straws. The flat tape and round straws don’t naturally get along! It can be unsatisfying how its impossible to have the corners of two straws meet perfectly. The tape prefers a flat, straight surface, but eventually works with the round straws.

My building challenges were always with the joints. When the joints were wobbly, the tower tried to fall over. Taking it slow and placing the tape carefully will help.

You can always take the tower apart and start again. Keep trying drawing, building and testing new designs!

– Julia, Resident Tower Architect

This video from PBS explains how towers are built.

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You could design something even taller one day!

We use straws and tape to build our towers, but you can also use cups. This video explains some of the problems and solutions when building with cups.

Challenges from our Bridge and Tower learning adventure:

Click here to show off a picture of your design!

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The Great Gatsby: Creativity/Variety of mediums used

This is the rubric for your creativity and use of a variety of mediums

Attempt is missing or barely started.Visuals are sparse, do not cover the full page, and do not use a variety of mediumsVisuals cover the entire collage, but lack creativityCollage is eye-catching and uses several different visual tools.

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

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Attempt is missing or barely started.Uses presentation or formatting that makes text unreadableUses presentation or formatting that makes text confusingHas uneven presentation or formatting that sometimes makes text difficult to read or understand; text lacks a finished appearance Creates presentation or formatting that makes text easy to read with a pleasing appearance that enhances understanding

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

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Attempt is missing or barely started.Has numerous and/or varied errors that make text unreadable or distracting; requires extensive editing Includes many errors that make text difficult to read; requires much editing Shows inconsistency in use of correct conventions which impairs readability; requires moderate editing Demonstrates consistent use of correct conventions; requires very limited editing

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

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Sentence Fluency

Attempt is missing or barely started.Structures sentences incorrectly; reader must reread text several times to read aloud Structures many sentences incorrectly, causing reader to stumble; little variation in sentences Has sentences that may be technically correct but not varied, sounding mechanical or creating sing-song pattern Uses a variety of correctly structured sentences that are rhythmic and flowing

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

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Word Choice

Attempt is missing or barely started.Uses limited vocabulary Has flawed or simplistic vocabulary,resulting in impaired meaning Has vocabulary that is usually understandable yet lacks energy or imagination and may be repetitive Incorporates precise and creative vocabulary; uses imagery and/or figurative language if appropriate

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

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Attempt is missing or barely started.Shows indifference or distance Makes ineffective attempts to connect with task and/or purpose and engage reader Uses emerging voice that does not yet support task and/or purpose or engage audience Strengthens writing with voice that fully addresses task, purpose, and audience

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

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Attempt is missing or barely started.No identifiable organization; writing lacks a sense of direction or seems randomUses mostly ineffective organization with only a few sections that direct reader Has emerging organization that is uneven, hampering ability to follow text Reflects smooth, cohesive organization and varied techniques that build to create a unified whole

Review your work and give yourself a score.

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Attempt is missing or barely started.Does not reflect a main idea or topicHas a main idea that begins to emerge, but direction is unclearStates or implies a main idea but is unclear, unfocused, inaccurate, and/or underdevelopedPresents a clear, focused, and substantive main idea with convincing development

Review your work and give yourself a score.