Category: Uncategorized
Record the new Bridge 1 testing data you see
What improvement can you make for Bridge 1?
Record the Bridge 1 testing data you see
An initial sketch for Bridge 1 mission
Final Badge for the Heavy Seas Operations data
You can upload a table or graph of your data here. Think about how your data has changed since you started. Do you collect new types of data? Do you think someone else could read your data and know what it means? Engineers use data to show why they make changes. You can collect and use data for all types of designs!
Upload your picture here.
Think about what worked well for getting this data. You can use those strategies again for the next challenge!
Final Badge for the Heavy Seas Operations mission
Share one more picture of your testing. This final picture should highlight some of the changes you made since your first design. Is the bottom wider? Is your top taller? If so, show how your ship looks and emphasize those changes. We want to see how much problem solving you have been doing!!
Upload your picture here.
By now, we hope you are having fun changing and testing your boat. Keep going forward! If you want to send us more pictures, you can tag us on Facebook, connect on Instagram, or simply upload another picture on this website.
Thanks for working so hard! You are engineering very well. Time for one more data badge.
Final Badge for Heavy Seas Operations mission planning sketch
This is the last time you can earn a Planning Badge, but please don’t let that stop you from making more changes!! Keep thinking of ways to make your ship fast and earn as many points as possible. You want to climb this leaderboard!
Upload a sketch of your latest design.
Upload your picture here.
We hope it is becoming easy to draw and create these designs. Continue making designs clear and useful!
Show how your Heavy Seas Operations mission data looks now
How fast is your time for each part of the mission? What was your total time? Did you make a change that made it faster? Can you make more changes like that? What else can you change to improve the score?
Use this space to record all the data you collected about your Heavy Seas Operations Mission.
Take a picture of your Heavy Seas Operations mission
Upload a picture showing how you are testing this ship built for terrible weather. Be sure your picture shows changes you made in your boat design.
Upload your picture here.
We may share your boat picture with other people if we think that they can learn from your process or your design. Your boat may be famous!!