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Explore Jamestown – the first successful English settlement in America in-person or through the Google Expeditions virtual reality app! Learn about how they lived, discover facts about the settlement’s history, and more. Click here to go to Historic Jamestowne’s website.

If you haven’t already, download Google Expeditions on Android or Apple devices now! Google Expeditions/Which Destinations to view:

  • The Jamestown Colony > All Destinations
  • Exploring America’s Past > Uncovering the Past

Instructions for downloading/using the Google Expeditions App

  1. Open the app store
  2. Search for “Google Expeditions”
  3. Select the app titled “Expeditions” with the orange icon
  4. After the app finishes downloading, open the app and log into a google account
  5. Go to the “Library” section at the bottom of the app
  6. Search the name of the tour you want to download in the search bar
  7. Tap the tour you want to see, then tap “Download to view or guide”
  8. Press “View” to open the menu for the virtual tour
  9. Scroll to the tour location you want to start at.
  10. Press the binoculars icon in the top right to start viewing in VR mode
  11. To search for another tour, exit the tour and go back to the “Discover’’ tab at the bottom. 

Here is a quick read about the history of Jamestown.

The United States is a very diverse country which began in Jamestown. In the early 1600s, Jamestown was home to people from three continents: Native American, English and African. It is a point in history which would change the world forever.

America’s history actually begins with the Native Americans. However, as they left no written record of their culture we have only archaeology to tells us of the culture.

Native Americans have occupied North America for thousands of years, and archeological evidence indicates they utilized Jamestown over 10,000 years ago. The first Europeans to explore North America may have been the Vikings sometime between the 10th and 12th centuries. In 1492, sailing for the King and Queen of Spain, Columbus would seek a route to Asia and find what we call the Caribbean islands. Thinking he had reached the islands of the East Indies he called the people Indians. Then, Spain began to explore and conquer much of South and Central America. Spain became rich and powerful extracting gold, silver and other precious minerals, gems and crops from these lands and people. And the rest of Europe wanted their share, so they too started to explore and establish settlements.

England was a late comer to the American scene. The first English attempt at settlement was the fabled lost colony of Roanoke in 1587. Twenty years later, in 1607, through a joint venture company known as the Virginia Company, England established her first permanent colony called Jamestown. In 1619, onboard an English privateer ship, “20 and odd” Africans arrived and were traded to the English for “victuals,” or food. Thus the stage was set and Native Americans, Englishmen and Africans converge at one small settlement. From this convergence, what we know as the United States of America would blossom. It is from Jamestown, and the English, that, who and what we are as a people and as a nation, we trace our heritage of language, customs and laws.

The First Legislative Assembly

A park ranger talks to a group of visitors. The group sits along a curved brick wall in a grove of trees.
As citizens of the United States of America, it is important for us to rediscover the earlier expressions of our constitutional ideals in Colonial Virginia. Though many of our ideas about representative government developed from the English model of Parliament, the American tradition of representative government actually began in Jamestown. The experience there would later influence the political development of other English colonies in the New World.
We shall first briefly review some of the significant events leading up to the legislative assembly of 1619; second, we shall discuss the distinguishing features of that historic meeting, which took place in the church during the hot summer months of July and August; and finally, we shall comment on the significance of the first assembly as a precedent for many of the institutional values represented in the U.S. Constitution.
The first charter of the Virginia Company, signed by King James I on April 10, 1606, planted the first seed for the future evolution of our constitutional values. The charter proclaimed that:
all and everie the parsons being our subjects which shall dwell and inhabit within everie or anie of the saide severall Colonies and plantacions and everie or anie of theire children . . . shall have and enjoy all liberties, franchises and immunities as if they had been abiding and borne within this our realme of England.
Indeed, one of the major grievances of our ancestors at the dawn of the Revolution was that England failed to grant the colonists the same rights as those enjoyed by the citizens residing in the mother country. In these simple words — buried in a document concerned mostly with the rights of the proprietors — lay the real authority for the first legislative assembly on the American continent to take place. Between the years of 1606 and 1619, two significant trends were evolving that would later determine the political character of the colony. First was the growing recognition that a colonial settlement should be more than just a commercial enterprise.
Unlike the Popham colony in present-day Maine (which was granted under the same charter of 1606), Jamestown showed promise of developing into a permanent settlement, and men such as Sir Edwin Sandys soon grasped the idea that in order to have a prosperous colony, one must also have a populated colony with women and children, and not just eager adventurers in constant need of supplies from home.
The second trend was that the power to make laws regulating the colony was becoming more and more decentralized. In 1609 the King, unwilling to shoulder the financial burden of the colony from the royal treasury, signed a second charter which allowed for the sale of company stocks to the public. James I thereby reluctantly surrendered his absolute control over the colony in an effort to solicit the support of as many investors as possible. This trend towards decentralization of power did not, at first, result in greater rights and privileges for the colonists. The rigid punitory code known as “Laws Divine, Morall and Martiall,” which began around 1611, was, if anything, a major setback. By 1618, however, martial law was abolished, the legislative assembly created, and some of the power of government finally trickled into the hands of the settlers. Together, the two trends explained above accelerated the overall trend towards a colony less commercial, and more political in character. Thus in April 1619 Governor George Yeardley arrived, announcing that the Company, in an effort to improve the social conditions of the colony, had voted for the abolition of martial law and the creation of a legislative assembly.
This assembly would be held no more than once a year, 
“wherat were to be present the Governor and Counsell with two Burgesses from each Plantation freely to be elected by the inhabitants thereof.” 
The mandatory presence of the Governor and the appointed Council somewhat restricted freedom of debate. The names of the settlements and their elected representatives were – For James citty: Captaine William Powell and Ensigne William Spense; For Charles citty: Samuel Sharpe and Samual Jordan; For Citty of Henricus; Thomas Dowse and John Polentine; For Kiccowtan: Captaine William Tucker and William Capp; For Martin Brandon-Capt. John Martin’s Plantation: Mr. Thomas Davis and Mr. Robert Stacy; For Smythe’s Hundred: Captaine Thomas Graves and Mr. Walter Shelley; For Martin’s Hundred: Mr. John Boys and John Jackson; For Argall’s guiffe: Mr. (Captaine Thomas) Pawlett and Mr. (Edward) Gourgaing; For Flowerdieu Hundred: Ensigne (Edmund) Roffingham and Mr. (John) Jefferson; For Captaine Lawne’s Plantation: Captaine Christopher Lawne and Ensigne Washer; For Captaine Warde’s Plantation: Captaine Warde and Lieutenant Gibbes. Other members of this assembly included John Pory as Secretary and Speaker, John Twine as Clerk of the Assembly and Thomas Pierse as Sergeant at Armes.

The Governor’s Council consisted of the Governor, John Pory, Captain Frances West, John Rolfe, Captain Nathaniel Powell and Samuel Maycock. The 22 burgesses, together with Governor Yeardley and the Council, met on July 30, 1619 in the church at Jamestown, because it was “the most convenient place . . . they could finde to sitt in.” For the important role of Speaker the assembly elected John Pory, who had at one time served as a member of English Parliament.
The weather was unbearably hot and humid, and one burgess died during the session; nevertheless, the assembly did manage to cover several items on the agenda during its brief, six-day meeting. First, the assembly petitioned for some minor changes in the settlement of land tenure. Then, the assembly approved the “greate Charter” of 1618, which had allowed for its creation. Next, the assembly adopted measures against drunkenness, idleness, and gambling. Other legislation discussed on Monday, August 2, included protection against the Indians, baptizing the Indians, and planting trees and crops. On August 3, the assembly discussed “a thirde sorte of laws suche as might proceed out of every man’s priviate conceipt.” Here lies the power of the individual burgess to initiate legislation, and not simply to pass those laws proposed from above.
The burgesses initiated and passed more legislation regulating relations with the Indians and the personal affairs of the colonists. The assembly even passed a law requiring compulsory church attendance. Also on August 3 the assembly took on a judicial character as it tried one of the servants of a landowner for improper conduct. Finally, on August 4, the assembly approved its first tax law. This was a poll tax requiring that every man and servant in the colony pay the officers of the assembly “one pound of the best Tobacco” for their services during this hot, midsummer season. As the assembly made preparations to close its first meeting, John Pory, in his final petition on behalf of the assembly, asked the Company in London to excuse the assembly for its rather abrupt decision to adjourn the meeting early. More importantly, in his letter one can detect a trace of ambition to expand the power of the assembly: Their last humble suite is, that the said Counsell and Company would be pleased, so soon as they shall finde it convenient, to make good their promise sett downe at the conclusion of their commission for establishing the Counsel of Estate and the General Assembly, namely, that they will give us power to allowe or disallowe of their orders of Courte, as his Majesty hath given them power to allowe or to reject our laws.

He even went so far as to warn the Council and Company against the danger of rebellion and anarchy. Fully aware of the power of the Council to accept or reject the laws passed by the assembly, Pory pleaded with the Company “not to take it in ill parte of these laws which we have now brought to light . . . for otherwise this people would in shorte time growe so insolent, as they would shake off all government, and there would be no living among them.”
Thus concluded the first legislative assembly ever to take place in English-speaking America. It was of course a modest beginning, and the capacity of the First Assembly to serve as a precedent for later constitutional developments in America was restricted in two ways: first, the assembly was not modeled after Parliament, but rather after the assembly of Virginia Company stockholders in London (similar to a board of directors); and second, any legislation passed by the assembly was subject to unrestrained Company veto. The First Assembly, nevertheless, “inaugurated a new era in colonial government,” one that would later blossom into a fully developed constitutional system in which the preservation of peace and order, as John Pory remarked, would lay in the foundations of representative government.
Let us conclude with one of Thomas Jefferson’s comments in a letter to James Madison, who, at that time, had just returned to Virginia from the Philadelphia Convention. The thrust of his statement somewhat resembles that of his predecessor, John Pory:. . . And say, finally, whether peace is best preserved by giving energy to the government, or information to the people. This last is the most certain, and the most legitimate engine of government . . . Enable them to see that it is in their interest to preserve peace and order, and they will preserve them.

Here is a simplified history of the Jamestown colony.

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Here is a more advanced history of the first English colony, with more detail.

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This map orients you to where Jamestown is in Virginia.

And, this map shows the river and marsh features that were important to the rise, and fall, of the Jamestown settlement.

Why is the river so important to the colony?

Why are the marshes so dangerous to the colony?

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Mount Vernon

Explore George Washington’s home in-person or through the Google Expeditions virtual reality app! Learn about Washington’s life, how the Mount Vernon estate functioned, and more fun facts! Click here to go to Mount Vernon’s website.

This site contains: explanations of Google Expeditions free VR Tour of Mt Vernon, cartoons that explain George Washington’s impact to a younger audience, clips from the John Adams miniseries and Pawn Stars that will be engaging to older students.

If you haven’t already, download Google Expeditions on Android or Apple devices now! Google Expeditions destinations to use:

  • U.S. Presidents’ Homes > George Washington’s Mount Vernon, The New Room
  • U.S. Presidents’ Homes > George Washington’s Mount Vernon, The West Parlor

Instructions for downloading/using the Google Expeditions App

  1. Open the app store
  2. Search for “Google Expeditions”
  3. Select the app titled “Expeditions” with the orange icon
  4. After the app finishes downloading, open the app and log into a google account
  5. Go to the “Library” section at the bottom of the app
  6. Search the name of the tour you want to download in the search bar
  7. Tap the tour you want to see, then tap “Download to view or guide”
  8. Press “View” to open the menu for the virtual tour
  9. Scroll to the tour location you want to start at.
  10.  Press the binoculars icon in the top right to start viewing in VR mode
  11. To search for another tour, exit the tour and go back to the “Discover’’ tab at the bottom. 

This Liberty Kids cartoon shows why George Washington was the perfect man to lead the first American soldiers.

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This quick biography from the Biography(TM) series is an excellent 4 minute overview.

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We love this video from a collaboration between Mt. Vernon and the History channel. It deeply explores leadership from the first perspective of the first American leader. As you watch, think about what is one quality of George Washington that you would like to use to be more successful.

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We love the John Adams book and the HBO(TM) Miniseries. You can stream it on Amazon Prime, use HBO Go, or rent it on YouTube for $3.99. This first video illuminates some of the politics and thinking that led to George Washington’s appointment as General of the Continental Army.

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This video from the same John Adams miniseries shows when George Washington becomes the first president of the United States of America. Who was the first vice president?

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Upload your beautiful data!

You collected data throughout these challenge. Share a big picture of your beautiful data.

Upload your picture here.

If you share it with us, we will use it to help other people learn from your successes.

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In depth: What makes a boat float?

Have you talked about forces in school yet? If so, you are in luck because we are about to talk a lot about forces.

Boats float because water pushes up on the bottom of the boat. You also know another force that affects boats: gravity. Gravity pushes down on boats while water pushes up.

Upload your picture here.

You may hear about Archimedes Principle. Over 2000 years ago, Archimedes found a simple way to figure out if boats float. It has three steps:

  1. Determine the weight of the boat.
  2. Determine the weight of the water the boat moves out of the way.
  3. If the water weighs less than the boat, then it will sink.

This relationship also shows that if a boat is floating, then it moves exactly that weight of water away.

Here is a great video that shows this relationship and its interesting history.

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In FLEET, you can see the forces of gravity and forces of buoyancy whenever your ship is on the water.

Two vertical forces balance out when a boat is floating on the water.
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Engineering Kits

These kits allow students to truly engineer. This means they draw a design, make their design, test it, collect the data, and then start the process again. These kits will take between 30-75 minutes for most children.

If you are looking for classroom or group use, consider buying kits and our 12-week STEM clubs for:

Love this stuff? Join our STEM of the Month club to easily receive (or gift) a mega-pack of engineering each month.

Just exploring? Return to the home page to see other edMe opportunities.

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone(TM) Project Upload

Please upload your Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone(TM) projects here if you would like to share them with our community of Potter fans. We hope you had fun completing it (and you fell more in love with this story!!)

Upload your picture here.
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What makes rain?

You see rain every day! Rain is water falling from the sky. How does water get up there?

You can complete the activity below to find out. You can also watch this video for helpful information!

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Want to jam out!?!? Learn the Water Cycle song.

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Robotic Hand

It’s a robot! It’s a hand! It’s something you can make yourself!

Ilyssia is our expert Robot Hand engineer. Here is her quick description of the process.

First, I traced the shape of my hand onto the cardboard with all fingers spread apart. Don’t forget to add some space at the bottom for your wrist! I exaggerated the shape of my fingers (I made my fingers much bigger than they are!). My “super sized” fingers gave me room for the materials that would go on top of them.

Second, I cut out the shape I just drew on the cardboard.

Third, I have to make the fingers bend. So, I drew 2 lines on the thumb. I drew one line in the middle of my thumb cut out and one line at the bottom of the thumb cut out. These lines show where the joints will be. The finger joints are very similar, but there are three joints so each finger needs three lines.

Fourth, fold each line down on every finger and the thumb. Fold them back so the entire hand is open. (But now the fingers are more flexible!)

Straws & Strings – The tendons of the robotic hand

Fifth, take a straw and cut a piece for each section of the fingers and thumbs. They will have different lengths, but they are pretty short. My shortest straw was 0.5 inches (pinky finger!), but some straws were up to 2 inches long. The length of the straw depends on the distance between your folds.

Sixth, tape these straws to their proper section.

Seventh, cut more straws for the palm of the robotic hand. Tape these pieces in the palm area, not too far from the finger it will control. Point the other end of the straw toward the center of the wrist.

Eighth, cut one last piece of straw about 2 inches long. Tape it on the wrist so half of the straw sticks off the cutout.

Ninth, gather 5 pieces of string. Slide the string through all fingers, but leave a little extra at the top. Then, tape this extra piece on the back of each finger.

Tenth, push the ends of the string in the palm through the last straw piece on the wrist.

Finally, cut out about 2-3 inches of cardboard to hold your hand with (HA a pun).

Experiment with where you want to put this last piece of cardboard. You may like it in front of your hand (on the same side as the palm). Or, you may like it more on the other side of the hand where it will provide more support.

Now, when you pulling all the strings you can watch your robotic hand move!

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Here’s our test of the robotic hand model.


If you bought one of our kits, you are in luck! You have a firm, thin piece of cardboard that we think is best. We also provided a much sturdier cardboard as the packaging. Finally, you will see that there is cardstock as well. See below for Ilyssia’s expert analysis of these materials; we suggest doing an initial test with the cardstock and then use the thin cardboard for your best design. If you want to make a sturdier hand or need more materials, take our box apart!

If you are finding additional supplies, we suggest cereal boxes and other boxes of that thickness. They provide the right strength without being too hard to manipulate like a shipping box.

Thoughts on Shipping Box Cardboard

Starting with this type of cardboard made it even more difficult. I cut the fingers too close together and the friction between the fingers made it hard for them to move. And, it was very hard to cut out in the shape I wanted.

Thoughts on Shipping Box Cardboard

The regular brown paper was easy to cut out. But, the brown paper is too weak to pick anything up so it isn’t useful either. 

Thoughts on using Paper

card stock paper which was the easiest material. Making the fingers large and spreading them apart really helped in making the robot. I switched to burlap instead of the elastic string so moving the fingers was easy. Also, I put the card board piece on the back of the wrist rather than the front to hold the robot a different way.