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At the gates of Tashbaan

What is this chapter mainly about?

Who is Aravis Tarkheena's father?

Why did Aravis run away from home?

Aravis rode out to a place where there were no "dwellings" of men.

What does the word "dwellings" mean?

What stopped Aravis from killing herself with the dagger?

The oldest slave begged Aravis to change her "resolution" when she told him the truth.

What does the word "resolution" mean in this context?

How was Aravis able to leave the house without a maiden?

Bree tells Shasta to not show his "ignorance" with the questions he asked.

What does the word "ignorance" mean?

Where did Aravis, Shasta, and the two horses agree to meet if they were separated in Tashbaan?

Who came up with the plan to walk right through the city in disguise?

Was there anything that did not make sense in this chapter?

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