The brightness of the ship "astonished"the crew after leaving the Darkness.
What does the word "astonish"mean in this context?
edMe Reading Companion app for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader(TM), the third Narnia book. It has high-quality formative questions to ensure that your student gets the most out of this great book.
What does the word "astonish"mean in this context?
What is this chapter mainly about?
The captain "altered"course to sail toward the dark mountain they all saw.
What does the word "altered"mean?
Who was the only member of the crew who wanted to enter the Darkness?
How did most of the crew begin to feel as they spent more time in the Darkness?
What broke the silence as they sailed through the Darkness?
The stranger that was pulled on board the ship stared as if in "agony"of pure fear.
What does the word "agony"mean in this context?
What did the stranger call the Darkness?
How did the crew escape the Darkness?
The brightness of the ship "astonished" the crew after leaving the Darkness.
What does the word "astonish" mean in this context?
What does the word "expanse"mean in this context?
What is this chapter mainly about?
How many years had passed in Narnia since Edmund and Lucy's last visit?
Who did Caspian leave in charge of Narnia while he was on his voyage?
Caspian received Aslan's "approval" to sail east.
What does the word "approval" mean in this context?
Why is Caspian sailing east with his crew?
What does Reepicheep hope to find in the unknown Eastern Seas?
What does Lucy do for Eustace with her cordial?
Caspian mentions that the captain has "labors" on most nights.
What does the word "labors" mean in this context?
Eustace kept "boasting" about the ships in England as Caspian was giving them a tour of his ship.
What is another word for "boasting" in this context?
What does the word "retreated" mean in this context?
Think about what strategies worked (and didn’t work) for you this time. How can you do well next time?
What does the word "steady" mean in this context?