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Chapter 9: What Lucy Saw

What is this chapter mainly about?

The children were too tired to "attempt" lighting a fire when they reached the shore.

What does the word "attempt" mean?

What did Lucy try to do while the others were sleeping?

What was following the children and Trumpkin in the woods?

Who killed the bear when it tried to attack?

Trumpkin tells the children that he did not want to "discourage" them about breakfast.

What does the word "discourage" mean?

Trumpkin mentions that meat is "scarce" in Caspian's camp.

What does the word "scarce" mean in this context?

Who does Lucy see when the group is trying to decide where to go?

Where does Lucy believe they need to go?

Where does Peter decide to lead the group?

Were there any events or parts of the story that weren't clear to you?