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Chapter 19

What is the main idea of this chapter?

Mrs. May looked "genuinely" surprised when Kate began to cry.

What does the word "genuinely" mean in this context?

Why did Mrs. May say that the story had come to an end?

Kate "glared" at Mrs. May when she added that there was more to the story.

What does the word "glared" mean in this context?

How long did Mrs. Driver keep the boy locked up in his room before returning him to India?

What did Mrs. Driver make the boy do on the first morning she brought his meal to him?

Who owned the cat that Mrs. Driver brought into the house?

Mrs. May noticed that the cat was a little "morose" when she visited a year later.

What does the word "morose" mean in this context?

What was the rat–catcher trying to do to the borrowers?

Which word reminded the boy about the grating that led outdoors?

Were there any events that weren't clear to you?

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Question #2

Which two things did Arrietty realize were not possible to have at the same time?

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Question #8

What did Mrs. Driver see when she quickly glanced at the kitchen floor?

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Question #3

What did Homily decide to do after she had been fidgeting for a while?

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Question #9

What does Mrs. Driver call the borrower's home when she shows it to Crampfurl?

Please enter the first three words of a sentence that shows your answers is correct.

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