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Chapter 15

What is this chapter mostly about?

The author mentions that the day Brian found success with his hunting the day "had started like the rest."

What does that tell the reader about Brian's life?

The fool birds at first "exasperated" Brian.

What does the word "exasperated" mean?

What does Brian learn is the secret to catching the foolbirds?

Which weapon does Brian figure out is the best for catching the birds?

Brian is able to eat the foolbird.

What two other things does Brian use the foolbird for?

At the end of the chapter, what trait does Brian realize is very important in life?

Were there any events that weren't clear to you?

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Question #3

Why does Brian decide to catch fish first thing in the morning instead of getting on his plane project?

Please enter the first three words of a sentence that shows your answers is correct.

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Chapter 9

What is this chapter mostly about?

What material ends up being best to use to start a fire?

Brian uses his thumb to create a "depression" in the middle of his spark nest.

Which sentence below uses the word "depression" in the same way it is used in this chapter?

What does Brian realize has been missing from his attempts to make fire that when added makes his efforts succeed?

Why does Brian refer to the fire as a friend and guard?

Were there any events that weren't clear to you?