Category: rated-4
Question #1
What is this act mainly about?
Question #17
What does Casca mean in this quote?
"O, he sits high in all the people's hearts:
And that which would appear offence in us,
His countenance, like richest alchemy,
Will change to virtue and to worthiness."Act 1, Scene 3, Line 152–155
Question #6
Who does Cassius believe should die with Caesar?
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Question #12
What does Cinna the poet remember dreaming about?
Question #2
Which political figure does Marullus say the public once cheered?
Question #18
Look where Brutus says "Let me not hinder, Cassius, your desires."
What does "hinder" mean in this context?
Question #7
When the conspirators leave, what does Brutus instruct them to act like?
Act 2
Text of Book
Act 2, page 1
Act 2, page 2
Act 2, page 3
Act 2, page 4
1) | What is this act mainly about? |
2) | When Brutus decides that Caesar must be killed, what does he compare him to? |
3) | What has Brutus had difficulty doing after speaking with Cassius? |
4) | Where does Brutus say that conspiracy should hide behind? |
5) | Which of these is NOT listed by Brutus as a type of person who feels the need to swear oaths? |
6) | Who does Cassius believe should die with Caesar? |
7) | When the conspirators leave, what does Brutus instruct them to act like? |
8) | How does Portia say she's demonstrated her loyalty to Brutus? |
9) | Who has nightmares about Caesar's death? |
10) | When hearing the augury's results, what does Caesar compare himself to? |
11) | What does Artemidorus decide to give Caesar? |
12) | Which of these does Portia NOT ask Lucius to report? |
13) | What does Brutus mean in this quote?
"To speak truth of Caesar, |
14) | What does Portia mean in this quote?
"Dwell I but in the suburbs |
17) | What does Artemidorus mean in this quote?
"My heart laments that virtue cannot live |
18) | Look where the message to Brutus reads "Speak, strike, redress!" What does "redress" mean in this context? |
19) | Look where Calpurnia tells Caesar, "Alas, my lord, / Your wisdom is consumed in confidence."
What does "consumed" mean in this context? |
20) | Look where Decius Brutus says that Calpurnia's dream "Signifies that from you great Rome shall suck / Reviving blood."
What does "signifies" mean in this context? |
21) | Were there any words that weren't clear to you? |