Category: rated-4
Question #1
What is this act mainly about?
Question #17
What does Brutus mean in this quote?
""The deep of night is crept upon our talk,
And nature must obey necessity;
Which we will niggard with a little rest."Act 4, Scene 3, Line 258–259
Question #6
What did Cassius do to Pindarus after saving his life?
You made it to the end! Here is your feedback for "Act 5"
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Question #2
What does Mark Antony send Lepidus to retrieve?
Question #18
Look where Mark Antony calls Lepidus "a slight unmeritable man."
What does "slight" mean in this context?
Question #7
What news does Messala intend to bring Cassius?
Act 5
Text of Book
Act 5, page 1
Act 5, page 2
Act 5, page 3
Act 5, page 4
1) | What is this act mainly about? |
2) | What reason does Mark Antony give for Brutus and Cassius's advance? |
3) | What kind of insects do Cassius, Brutus, and Mark Antony all compare each other to? |
4) | What kind of suicide does Brutus say he finds "cowardly and vile"? |
5) | Who carries Brutus's message in Scene 2? |
6) | What did Cassius do to Pindarus after saving his life? |
7) | What news does Messala intend to bring Cassius? |
8) | Where does Brutus send Cassius's body? |
9) | Which conspirator does Lucilius impersonate? |
10) | What does Mark Antony order regarding Lucilius? |
11) | Who does Brutus tell about his visions of Caesar's ghost? |
12) | What does Strato do on Brutus's command? |
13) | What does Cassius mean in this quote?
"You know that I held Epicurus strong |
14) | What does Brutus mean in this quote?
"O, that a man might know |
15) | What does Brutus mean in this quote?
"Let them set on at once; for I perceive |
16) | What does Brutus mean in this quote?
"O Julius Caesar, thou art mighty yet! |
18) | Look where Mark Antony objects to the conspirators' lack of warning when their "vile daggers / Hack'd one another in the sides of Caesar."
What does "hacked" mean in this context? |
19) | Look where Messala mourns mistakes and doubt: "O error, soon conceived, / Thou never comest unto a happy birth."
What does "conceived" mean in this context? |
20) | Look where Octavius declares of Brutus, "According to his virtue let us use him, / With all respect and rites of burial."
What does "according" mean in this context? |
21) | Were there any words that weren't clear to you? |