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Question #5

Which of these is boldOpenNOTboldClosed among the types of men listed by the fool as having a whoremaster's spirit?

Please enter the first three words of a sentence that shows your answers is correct.

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Question #3

How does the first stranger characterize the relationship between Timon and Lucius?

Please enter the first three words of a sentence that shows your answers is correct.

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You made it to the end! Here is your feedback for "Act 4"

Think about what strategies worked (and didn't work) for you this time. How can you do well next time?

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Question #15

Look where the soldier describes the wax "whose soft impression interprets for my poor ignorance."

What does "impression" mean in this context?

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Question #2

What does Timon command Athenian youths to do?

Please enter the first three words of a sentence that shows your answers is correct.

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Act 4

Text of Book

1) What is this act mainly about?

2) What does Timon command Athenian youths to do?

3) What does Flavius decide to do at the end of Scene 2?

4) What hateful name does Timon use to introduce himself to Alcibiades?

5) When Timon meets Timandra, what metaphor does he use to describe her spreading diseases among her clients?

6) When Timon commands Alcibiades to leave, which breed of dog does Timon call Phrynia and Timandra?

7) What does Apemantus believe Timon would wish to be if he weren't a beggar?

8) Which unusual fruit does Apemantus compare Timon's circumstances to?

9) Which of these is NOT listed by Timon as an example of a thief?

10) What does Timon mean in the quote below?

"Piety,and fear,
Religion to the gods, peace, justice, truth,
Domestic awe, night – rest, and neighbourhood,
Instruction, manners, mysteries, and trades,
Degrees, observances, customs, and laws,
Decline to your confounding contraries,
And let confusion live!"

11) What does Timon mean in the quote below?

"And thatch your poor thin roofs
With burthens of the dead."

12) What does Flavius mean in the quote below?

"How rarely does it meet with this time & #39;s guise,
When man was wish'd to love his enemies!"

13) Look where Flavius calls his fellow servants "broken implements of a ruin'd house."

What does "implements" mean in this context?

14) Look where Apemantus tells Timon that "men report / Thou dost affect my manners, and dost use them."

What does "affect" mean in this context?

15) Look where Timon exclaims, "Forgive my general and exceptless rashness, / You perpetual–sober gods!"

What does "perpetual" mean in this context?

16) Were there any words that weren't clear to you?