Category: Christmas Carol
edMe Reading app for A Chirstmas Carol(TM). It has high-quality formative questions to ensure that your student gets the most out of this great book.
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 7
Table of Contents
But in a short while his fear of the tepees passed away. He saw the women and children passing in and out of them without harm, and he saw the dogs trying often to get into them, and being driven away with sharp words and flying stones. After a time, he left Kiche's side and crawled cautiously toward the wall of the nearest tepee. It was the curiosity of growth that urged him on––the necessity of learning and living and doing that brings experience. The last few inches to the wall of the tepee were crawled with painful slowness and precaution. The day's events had prepared him for the unknown to manifest itself in most stupendous and unthinkable ways. At last his nose touched the canvas. He waited. Nothing happened. Then he smelled the strange fabric, saturated with the man–smell. He closed on the canvas with his teeth and gave a gentle tug. Nothing happened, though the adjacent portions of the tepee moved. He tugged harder. There was a greater movement. It was delightful. He tugged still harder, and repeatedly, until the whole tepee was in motion. Then the sharp cry of a squaw inside sent him scampering back to Kiche. But after that he was afraid no more of the looming bulks of the tepees.
A moment later he was straying away again from his mother. Her stick was tied to a peg in the ground and she could not follow him. A part–grown puppy, somewhat larger and older than he, came toward him slowly, with ostentatious and belligerent importance. The puppy's name, as White Fang was afterward to hear him called, was Lip–lip. He had had experience in puppy fights and was already something of a bully.
Lip–lip was White Fang's own kind, and, being only a puppy, did not seem dangerous; so White Fang prepared to meet him in a friendly spirit. But when the stranger's walk became stiff–legged and his lips lifted clear of his teeth, White Fang stiffened too, and answered with lifted lips. They half circled about each other, tentatively, snarling and bristling. This lasted several minutes, and White Fang was beginning to enjoy it, as a sort of game. But suddenly, with remarkable swiftness, Lip–lip leaped in, delivering a slashing snap, and leaped away again. The snap had taken effect on the shoulder that had been hurt by the lynx and that was still sore deep down near the bone. The surprise and hurt of it brought a yelp out of White Fang; but the next moment, in a rush of anger, he was upon Lip–lip and snapping viciously.
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire
Text of Book
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 1
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 2
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 3
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 4
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 5
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 6
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 7
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 8
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 9
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 10
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 11
1) | What is this the main idea of this chapter? |
2) | What is the grey cub named? |
3) | In early chapters of the book, Bill and Henry suspected that the she–wolf was tame and had eaten out of the hands of men.
Which sentence from this chapter best shows their suspicion was correct? |
4) | Why had Kiche run away from the tribe to travel with the wolves? |
5) | How does author reveal in this chapter that Kiche is part wolf and part dog? |
6) | Which statement best describes how White Fang feels about the men? |
7) | The author describes White Fang's view of the power of man as "inconceivable."
What does the word "inconceivable" mean as used in this chapter? |
8) | What about humans most impresses White Fang? |
9) | What emotion does White Fang experience most strongly from getting burned by fire? |
10) | At the end of the chapter, why does White Fang want to return to the cave? |
11) | Were there any events that weren't clear to you? |
Question #8
Which two sentences describe how he sees children and older dogs?
Question #6
What becomes White Fang's code?
You made it to the end! Here is your feedback for "Part III– Chapter 4: The Trail of the Gods"
Think about what strategies worked (and didn't work) for you this time. How can you do well next time?
Question #7
What does White Fang prize in his relationship with the other dogs?
Question #3
Why doesn't Kiche accept White Fang when she finally returns to the camp?
Part III– Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire, page 8
Table of Contents
But Lip–lip had lived his life in camp and had fought many puppy fights. Three times, four times, and half a dozen times, his sharp little teeth scored on the newcomer, until White Fang, yelping shamelessly, fled to the protection of his mother. It was the first of the many fights he was to have with Lip–lip, for they were enemies from the start, born so, with natures destined perpetually to clash.
Kiche licked White Fang soothingly with her tongue, and tried to prevail upon him to remain with her. But his curiosity was rampant, and several minutes later he was venturing forth on a new quest. He came upon one of the man–animals, Grey Beaver, who was squatting on his hams and doing something with sticks and dry moss spread before him on the ground. White Fang came near to him and watched. Grey Beaver made mouth–noises which White Fang interpreted as not hostile, so he came still nearer.
Women and children were carrying more sticks and branches to Grey Beaver. It was evidently an affair of moment. White Fang came in until he touched Grey Beaver's knee, so curious was he, and already forgetful that this was a terrible man–animal. Suddenly he saw a strange thing like mist beginning to arise from the sticks and moss beneath Grey Beaver's hands. Then, amongst the sticks themselves, appeared a live thing, twisting and turning, of a colour like the colour of the sun in the sky. White Fang knew nothing about fire. It drew him as the light, in the mouth of the cave had drawn him in his early puppyhood. He crawled the several steps toward the flame. He heard Grey Beaver chuckle above him, and he knew the sound was not hostile. Then his nose touched the flame, and at the same instant his little tongue went out to it.
Part III– Chapter 2: The Bondage, page 0
Table of Contents
The days were thronged with experience for White Fang. During the time that Kiche was tied by the stick, he ran about over all the camp, inquiring, investigating, learning. He quickly came to know much of the ways of the man–animals, but familiarity did not breed contempt. The more he came to know them, the more they vindicated their superiority, the more they displayed their mysterious powers, the greater loomed their god–likeness.
To man has been given the grief, often, of seeing his gods overthrown and his altars crumbling; but to the wolf and the wild dog that have come in to crouch at man's feet, this grief has never come. Unlike man, whose gods are of the unseen and the overguessed, vapours and mists of fancy eluding the garmenture of reality, wandering wraiths of desired goodness and power, intangible out–croppings of self into the realm of spirit––unlike man, the wolf and the wild dog that have come in to the fire find their gods in the living flesh, solid to the touch, occupying earth–space and requiring time for the accomplishment of their ends and their existence. No effort of faith is necessary to believe in such a god; no effort of will can possibly induce disbelief in such a god. There is no getting away from it. There it stands, on its two hind–legs, club in hand, immensely potential, passionate and wrathful and loving, god and mystery and power all wrapped up and around by flesh that bleeds when it is torn and that is good to eat like any flesh.
And so it was with White Fang. The man–animals were gods unmistakable and unescapable. As his mother, Kiche, had rendered her allegiance to them at the first cry of her name, so he was beginning to render his allegiance. He gave them the trail as a privilege indubitably theirs. When they walked, he got out of their way. When they called, he came. When they threatened, he cowered down. When they commanded him to go, he went away hurriedly. For behind any wish of theirs was power to enforce that wish, power that hurt, power that expressed itself in clouts and clubs, in flying stones and stinging lashes of whips.
He belonged to them as all dogs belonged to them. His actions were theirs to command. His body was theirs to maul, to stamp upon, to tolerate. Such was the lesson that was quickly borne in upon him. It came hard, going as it did, counter to much that was strong and dominant in his own nature; and, while he disliked it in the learning of it, unknown to himself he was learning to like it. It was a placing of his destiny in another's hands, a shifting of the responsibilities of existence. This in itself was compensation, for it is always easier to lean upon another than to stand alone.
But it did not all happen in a day, this giving over of himself, body and soul, to the man–animals. He could not immediately forego his wild heritage and his memories of the Wild. There were days when he crept to the edge of the forest and stood and listened to something calling him far and away. And always he returned, restless and uncomfortable, to whimper softly and wistfully at Kiche's side and to lick her face with eager, questioning tongue.