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Chapter 12

What is the main idea of this chapter?

Who unexpectedly appeared when the Prince opened the door?

The Witch–queen tells the Earthmen that they are not to "disturb" her until she calls for them.

What does the word "disturb" mean in this context?

Prince Rilian tells the Witch that it is his duty to "depart" from the Underworld and go to his own country.

What does the word "depart" mean?

What did the Witch do before she began to speak to the four of them?

The Witch speaks to the Prince in a "soothing" voice.

What does the word "soothing" mean?

What does the enchantment do to Prince Rilian and the three travelers?

What did Puddleglum do to stop the enchantment?

Which creature did the Witch turn into when the enchantment was broken?

How did Prince Rilian and Puddlelum defeat the creature?

What do you think will happen next?