I was thinking about where this journey started, and I think it began 100 yards down the Calverton School driveway. I remember year after year standing there waiting for the Calverton community to arrive for plays, ceremonies, orientations, etc. As each car arrived, I would smile, greet the family and give a lightly-regarded suggestion about where to park. It was a community that I loved, and I enjoyed being the first face that greeted new relatives, guests, and younger siblings to our learning experience.
I was thinking about that a lot as we put together furniture, pulled together signage, and created a new type of learning community focused on problem-solving skills. It was fun greeting new people through the car window, and later becoming fast friends. At edMe Learning, we are building a new community in Fairfax that strives to be the same type of welcoming learning environment that rewards determination and supports exploration.

In 2019, this looks a bit different than standing outside watching the neighbor’s cats (I didn’t even have a cell phone!). Now, we create STEM and reading adventures that you can do here or just as easily at your home or classroom. These robust projects have scaffolded support, and allow for formative feedback through our online system. Everyday we discuss our mission, Personalized education for each child, and tailor supports and create personalized lessons to allow your children maximum growth. We are also racing to publish STEM and reading adventures that address your child’s unique (and ever-changing) interests. Today, we have 13,000 supportive questions and projects that help your child earn hundreds of badges. I encourage you to try out a membership today!
If we can help you in any way, please feel free to email me anytime.
I personally welcome you to this new type of community. Oh , and I appreciate if you would park next to the field but understand if you pull right up to the front door.