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Fiction – News Article

The first chapter, “The Boy Who Lived”, has details that shape every book and chapter afterwards. 

Write a news article or record an Owl (a letter) that describes the key details of this big news! To cover this news well, you will need:

  1. At least five facts from Chapter 1
  2. Two quotes from characters in Chapter 1
  3. Good grammar so that everyone understands your important news!

Take a picture and upload your work here:

Upload your picture here.

Click here to look at the rubrics to help guide your project.

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Rubric for at least five facts from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Chapter 1

Use at least five facts in your article to ensure that you giving your audience as much detail as possible. These facts are what makes your news trustworthy!

Article is missing or barely started.There are less than 2 citations or the citations may be vague or unconnected to the event.There are only 2-4 citations that are clear and connected to the event. There are 5 citations that are clear and connected to the event.

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

To go the the next rubric, click here.

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Rubric for Two Quotes from Characters in Chapter 1

Article is missing or barely started.There are less than 2 quotes and they are vague or unconnected to the main idea. There is only 1 quote that is clear and connected to the main topic.There are 2 quotes that are clear and connected to the main topic.

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

To go the the next rubric, click here.

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Rubric for Good Grammar – Article for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Take the time to get the grammar correct in your article. If there are grammatical mistakes, your audience may be distracted by the mistake and miss the excellent theme and message you use to create your article!

Article is missing or barely started.The article has many grammatical mistakes and/or the grammar makes it difficult to understand. The article has 2-3 grammatical mistakes and/or the grammar makes a paragraph difficult to understand. The article has 0-1 grammatical mistakes so the essay is easy to read and understand.

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

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Comparison – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

You have already met some good people and some bad characters! Think about another story about good and evil. Use your story to fill in this first diagram.

Use this second diagram to fill in what you know so far about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Then, make a prediction in the last box.

Here’s the second diagram to use with your knowledge of The Sorcerer’s Stone:

So, altogether you will:

  1. Completely fill out the first graphic organizer
  2. Completely fill out the second graphic organizer

Take a picture and upload your work here:

Upload your picture here.

Click here to look at the rubrics to help guide your project

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Rubric – Write a paragraph that explains 3 parts of the book that your game shows.

Paragraph is missing or barely started.Less than 2-3 details used or the writing is not clear enough to find the details. 2 details are clearly written and support the main idea OR 3 details are given but may not connect effectively to the main idea.All 3 details connect to the main idea and create a strong piece of writing that conveys the information.

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

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Rubric for Grammar in Rules Sheet for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Rules missing or barely started.The rules sheet has many grammatical mistakes and/or the grammar makes it difficult to understand. The rules sheet has 2-3 grammatical mistakes and/or the grammar makes a paragraph difficult to understand. The rules sheet has 0-1 grammatical mistakes so the essay is easy to read and understand.

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

To go the the next rubric, click here.

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Rubric for Three Quotes in Rules for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Game

Rules sheet is missing or barely started.There are less than 2 quotes or the quotes may be difficult to interpret or unconnected to the topic. There are only 2 quotes that are clear and connected to the topic. There are 3 quotes that are clear and connected to the topic.

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

To go the the next rubric, click here.

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Rubric for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – 5 Places

Game is missing or barely started.There are less than 2 places or the places may be vague or unconnected to the game.There are only 2-4 places that are clear and connected to the game. There are 5 places that are clear and connected to the game.

Review your work and give yourself a score. Explain why you gave your work this score.

To go the the next rubric, click here.

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Board Game for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

This project is to create a game using the places (and magic) that you just read about. Games take a long time to create, so you will:

  • Create a game
  • Test it out
  • Make changes
  • Explain what your game captures from the book

To make sure you are on target, follow these steps to have a fun project:

  1. When you first create your game, have 5 places described in this book
  2. Create rules that use 3 quotes from Harry Potter.
  3. After you test it out, create a new rule sheet that describes how to play. Make sure it has good grammar!
  4. Write a paragraph that explains 3 parts of the book that your game shows. 

If you would like to, take a picture of your finished project and upload it here.

Upload your picture here.

Click here to look at the rubrics to help guide your game