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Part II– Chapter 2: The Lair

Text of Book

Part II– Chapter 2: The Lair, page 1

Part II– Chapter 2: The Lair, page 2

Part II– Chapter 2: The Lair, page 3

Part II– Chapter 2: The Lair, page 4

Part II– Chapter 2: The Lair, page 5

Part II– Chapter 2: The Lair, page 6

Part II– Chapter 2: The Lair, page 7

Part II– Chapter 2: The Lair, page 8

Part II– Chapter 2: The Lair, page 9


1) Which statement mostly accurately summarizes this chapter?

2) What causes the wolves to leave the Indian camp after two days?

3) The author says, "The she–wolf's need to find the thing for which she searched had now become imperative." The reader later learns that the she–wolf has been searching for:

4) Why does the she–wolf growl when One Eye approaches her and their young?

5) The author references instincts throughout this chapter as something both wolves possess in regard to caring for their young.

Which phrase from the chapter best helps the reader determine the meaning of "instinct"?

6) What does the scene with One Eye, the lynx, and the porcupine best tell the reader about One Eye?

7) Were there any events that weren't clear to you?