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An Impasse

What is chapter twenty–four mainly about?

What do Renee and Charlie think happened to Bella?

What happened to James?

According to Edward, what was the worst part of what happened to Bella in the dance studio?

What is the main reason Bella gives Edward for why she wants to become a vampire?

Who believes that Bella will become a vampire eventually?

Chapter twenty–four is titled "An impasse." After Edward and Bella disagree about Bella becoming a vampire, Edward declares that they are at an "impasse".

In this context, what does "impasse" mean?

Look at the section near the end of chapter twenty–four where Bella's pain medication begins to kick in. Stephenie Meyer writes, "But I fought against the stupor weakly."

In this context, what is the definition of "stupor"?

Were there any events that weren't clear to you?