Text of Book
pages 6–10, page 0
pages 6–10, page 1
pages 6–10, page 2
pages 6–10, page 3
pages 6–10, page 4
1) | How does the description of Ichabod Crane on this page differ from the last one? |
2) | What other job did Ichabod Crane have? |
3) | What professional is thought to be smarter than school teacher? |
4) | What book by Cotton Mather did Ichabod Crane know well? |
5) | What would Ichabod Crane do by the brook? |
6) | When would Ichabod Crane leave the brook? |
7) | How would Ichabod Crane feel on the ride from school? |
8) | What emotion do readers feel reading about the "boding cry of the tree toad" and "dreary hooting of the whip–poor–will"? |
9) | What word describes the fields, brooks, bridges and houses in the wives' stories? |
10) | What was the name of the female character? |
11) | Who was Baltus Van Tassel? |
12) | Which word best describes Mr. Van Tassel? |
14) | How did Ichabod Crane feel about Katrina Van Tassel? |
15) | What did Ichabod Crane imagine when he saw the animals on the farm? |
16) | If Ichabod Crane owned the Van Tassel farm, what do you think he would do? |
17) | What was the nickname of the man also interested in Katrina? |
18) | What was the full name of the "burly" character (not the Dutch abbreviation!)? |
20) | How would you compare Brom and Ichabod? |
21) | How many friends does Brom Bones have? |
22) | Which word best describes the actions of Brom Bones? |
23) | Were there any events that weren't clear to you? |