What is this chapter mostly about?
What did Shasta notice about the air when he woke up the next morning?
Shasta "investigated" the saddle–bags.
What does the word "investigate" mean in this context?
Why does the Horse think it's alright to use the money in the saddle–bags?
The Horse said they would end up in "cultivated" land if they avoid Tashbaan.
What does the word "cultivated" mean in this context?
What causes Bree to gallop in fright?
Shasta noticed that the other person was riding "magnificently" as they galloped next to each other.
What does the word "magnificently" mean?
Who was the other rider Shasta and Bree encountered?
Where are Aravis and Hwin escaping to?
What did Bree ask the Tarkheena to do after they had settled down to rest?