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Chapter 11

Text of Book

Chapter 11, page 1

Chapter 11, page 2

Chapter 11, page 3

Chapter 11, page 4

Chapter 11, page 5

Chapter 11, page 6

Chapter 11, page 7

Chapter 11, page 8

Chapter 11, page 9


1) What is the main idea of this chapter?

2) When Basil first sees what has become of the portrait, he can't believe that it is the one he painted. He thinks, "It was some foul parody, some infamous, ignoble satire."

What does "foul" mean?

3) The description of Basil's murder is quite graphic, including this sentence: "Something began to trickle on the floor."

What does "trickle" mean?

4) After Dorian has killed Basil, he no longer thinks of Basil as a human being. He does not seem him as a man, or as a friend, but rather as an inanimate object: "The thing was still seated in the chair, straining over the table with bowed head, and humped back, and long fantastic arms."

What does "straining" mean?

5) Dorian thinks about how to avoid being punished for killing Basil. He is relieved to remember that Basil was on his way to Paris when he stopped by to visit. Dorian thinks, "With [Basil's] curious reserved habits, it would be months before any suspicions would be aroused."

What does "reserved" mean?

6) Dorian wakes his servant, Francis, using him to establish an alibi. Afterward, when Francis goes sleepily back to bed, he "shamble[s] down the passage in his slippers."

What does "passage" mean?

7) What does Dorian mean when he claims the portrait "destroyed me"?

8) Were there any events that weren't clear to you?