What is chapter 16 mainly about?
Who is older, Despereaux, the mouse, or Roscuro, the rat?
What does Gregory the jailer show Roscuro?
Who is Botticelli?
According to Botticelli, what is the meaning of life?
Look at the section where the meaning of the name, "Chiaroscuro" is explored. The author writes, "In the case of Chiaroscuro, however, the joke had a hint of prophecy to it…"
In this context, what does "prophecy" mean?
Look at the section where Roscuro realizes how much he likes light. The author writes that he showed an "inordinate interest in illumination."
In this context, what does "inordinate" mean?
Bonus Question! In the last question, what literary device does the phrase "inordinate interest in illumination" show?
Were there any events that weren't clear to you?