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Chapter 13: The High King in Command

What is this chapter mainly about?

Why couldn't Caspian be the one to fight Miraz?

Why does Peter still want to send the challenge when it is unlikely that Miraz will accept?

Peter "dictates" his challenge to Doctor Cornelius.

What does the word "dictate" mean in this context?

Who was chosen to deliver the challenge letter to Miraz?

What do the two lords advise Miraz to do about the challenge?

How does Miraz respond to Peter's challenge?

Miraz believes that the "intent" of the two lords is to convince him to refuse the challenge.

What does the word "intent" mean in this context?

Who does Peter appoint as the marshals for the single combat?

Peter tells everyone that dinner will be "precisely" at noon.

What does the word "precisely" mean?

Were there any events or parts of the story that weren't clear to you?